There are a lot of misconceptions about making money as a homeschool mom. Some people think that we just sit at home all day and bake cookies while our kids play in the backyard. The truth is, we can be just as successful (or even more successful!) in our own businesses than women who work outside the home. In this post, I’m going to share my experience as a social seller and how I’ve been able to make money from home while homeschooling my kids. Stay tuned for tips on how you can do the same!

Making Money From Home

Do you get paid to homeschool? UMMMMM, that’s a negative! Well, at least monetarily, you don’t get paid… you get paid in other ways such as an unbelievable bond with your kids; a more rested family; redeeming your own education as you learn alongside your kids; community with incredible, like-minded people; the flexibility to travel during nonpeak seasons – honestly the list goes on and on… yet as far as monetary income, besides the money you save – you don’t typically EARN money for homeschooling! But you can certainly earn money WHILE homeschooling! 

Making money from home is certainly nothing new, but time flexibility is needed as a homeschooling mom. Time freedom is not always part of a work from home – part-time – mom job description! 

CLICK HERE to learn how to make money as a homeschool mom

Defining Time Freedom And Flexibility

Time Freedom: Time freedom means choosing where to spend your time and who to spend your time with. Having the freedom of time means being totally clear about what you want to do with your time to create the bigger and better future you want for yourself.

Time Flexibility: Flex time refers to a working schedule with a flexible set of starting and ending hours. In comparison, a traditional schedule is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

How Homeschool Moms Benefit

So time freedom + time flexibility sounds amazing, and it is easy to see how a mom – much less a homeschool mom – would benefit from both! 

So where do you find BOTH times flexibly and time freedom AND income in work from home opportunity? DON’T shut me out… but there is no other career that offers all three as social selling or network marketing does for moms who want to work from home. 

You may have a negative view of network marketing, and I get it – I DID! Yet, I invite you to sit down and make a pros/cons list of what you think or even know about the industry, and then I truly want to see that list!! I have owned a social selling business for the past 14 years and have learned how to be successful without being gross and spamming my friends! If even $300 – $500 a month would benefit your family’s financial situation, you truly need to sit down, make that list, and send me a scan or simply a screenshot! I WANT TO HELP YOU! I know so many homeschool families who struggle with money skills/ to make ends meet each month – I can help! 

Homeschool Mom Opportunity
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A Change In Perspective

I know how to grow your social media following authentically, and have fun doing it! 

I know how to convert followers to customers – HAPPY CUSTOMERS without hard sales and have fun doing it!! I know how to build a solid business simply through education on products, and I have fun doing it! 

As a homeschool mom of two for eight years- I know how precious your time is. I have tried multiple ways to earn an income, and none is as fruitful as social selling – nor as much fun! 

Please, simply make that list! Then either scan with an app like Genius Scan or take a screenshot and share it with me! I will email back some thoughts, and we can banter via email if that works best for you – I love email and text as it fits into my time stewardship/ time freedom/time flexibility – see a pattern here!? I will teach you all the wonderful time tips too.

Come on: is the email 

Let me guide you as YOU decide the best way to make money as a homeschool mom with limited time and energy. It is possible, and then you can add financial gain to all the other beautiful benefits of home and flex school! 

Recap: How Will You Make Money From Home?

If you’re looking for ways to make money from home, I hope my story has inspired you. There are many different ways to make an income as a homeschool mom, and the opportunities are endless! I encourage you to watch this video to learn more and find out if what is a good fit for you. Get ready to add financial gain to all the other BEAUTY-ful benefits of home and flex school! 

how to make money as a homeschool mom
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