Most of us wish to age gracefully; we invest in lotions and potions to do just that! But is there really one tip/trick we can implement that will take years off, giving us that youthful-looking appearance we all desire? Yes! Inside this article, I share why supplementing is necessary and which one you should choose.
I’ve Got The Secret to Looking Youthful & Radiant
Take a good, quality collagen supplement! Our collagen production decreases by 1% each year after the age of 20, which essentially means your skin is getting thinner and more fragile. Oral supplements can help to support the body’s natural collagen production. The result: glowing skin that appears lit from within, healthier hair and nails, less joint pain! Nothing screams aging like those annoying joint twinges when you first hit the floor in the morning! Collagen is a Super Powder!
Is Supplementing Necessary?
Why must we supplement with collagen – don’t we get it through our diets?
In the old days, your grandmother would have had a bone on the boil at all times, and bones were never wasted. People ate the skin of a lot of meat. That’s how they’d get the nutrients – including collagen. Over the last 100 years or so, we have stopped getting as much collagen in the diet as we used to. Of course, we have! We are over-fed and under-nourished, so our bodies and minds are starving for real nutrition.
Which One Should I Choose?
But which one to choose? There is so much collagen info out there! Most consumable collagen acts like any other protein, so your body breaks it down into amino acids during the digestion process. As far as your body is concerned, it’s not collagen and not used as collagen. You might as well eat a chicken breast – most collagen is simply an expensive protein powder!
According to naturopathic doctors, you need hydrolyzed collagen peptide type II, the only form of collagen that cells can absorb as complete collagen. The astonishing benefits of collagen then show up where the body puts it to use — skin, hair, and nails. I love naturopathic or functional medicine doctors for supplements as they know what works best and most naturally in the body!
Is Powder or Liquid Best For A Youthful Looking Appearance?
Which should you choose, powder or liquid? I have studied and talked to Dr. Wallace Nelson, a Naturopathic Doctor who has been practicing and creating beautiful supplements with his mama for 40 years! He explains that powders are more effective as hydrolyzed collagen contains broken-down collagen molecules, which means the body more easily digests it.
Some brands claim that liquid collagen has better bioavailability (which means it’s easier for the body to use). But specific studies to back this up are lacking.
Okay – So A Powder Collagen Supplement It Is! Where Is That EASY Button!?
Collagen really is a SUPER POWDER! With so many benefits, including an overall youthful-looking appearance, I make this a routine in my daily habits and care. Here is the collagen I use!
More Beauty Secrets Revealed
The world of beauty is fascinating. A simple, easy place to start is by learning which basic cleanser you should be using. And every sweetie under my care must know how to create the perfect nude lip. I’ve got you! I’ve developed a quiz to discover these 2 basic principles of beauty! “Know Your Perfect Nude Lip and A Good Basic Cleanser” – CLICK HERE!