You may know someone who has seen success in the Network Marketing industry and wondered what their secret is? If you are outside watching the industry and wondering if there are tips or secrets to success in network marketing… then this blog is for you! We will answer a few questions like: what should you look for when choosing your company, is there a faster way to success, and is there anything to avoid when choosing a company? So let’s dig in…

What is Network Marketing?

Network marketing is a direct selling business model where people work independently, sharing products to their network, typically marketing through social media platforms. In a nutshell: network marketing is sales using the free platform of social media as you work independently with time and location freedom.

Representing Who?

What should you look for when deciding on a company to represent?

  • You want to find a company where you have the choice, through their compensation plan, to earn an income exclusively through selling products with the added ability to mentor other ambassadors to do the same. In plain terms, you should be able to make a monthly income exclusively through product sales with no requirement to recruit. The ability to recruit and earn compensation through a franchise-style model should be there but not required. Your mentor will guide you based on your personal goals, but the compensation plan should support your goals!
  • You want the product you are selling to be consumable. By consumable, we mean; an item intended to be used up and then replaced. Your business is set up for the beauty of residual income; people purchase and then repeat purchases as they need to replenish. You do the work once – sell to a first-time client and then get paid over and over as they replenish the product(s) they love! Ask about product innovation and the long-term plan for new product roll-out; you want product innovation.
  • You want a company with automated systems and training established. You genuinely want a turn-key business. Once you become a licensed ambassador or representative – you should be able to plug and play! Ask questions such as: What does your training program offer? What type of communication is in place for customers to keep them engaged? How often are websites updated? How easy is the point of sale process? What does the marketing plan entail? Ask about customer service for existing customers., There should be a fabulous customer service program in place that makes it easy for the customer to be served through a pleasurable experience! Customer service should truly be a WOW experience! Goodness, I will stop on this one – but I could go on and on and on with this point!

Fast Lane to Success in Network Marketing

Now let’s look at how to be successful and if there is a faster way to succeed. First, I think it is important to define success in the network marketing industry. Success is making more than you invest with time and location freedom. Look at how much it will cost to run your business and then set a goal to exceed that investment. Your mentor will initially help you with these numbers, but you should expect to earn $500 at a minimum within your first six months. If you have products you love, a beautiful website to send your customers to, excellent ongoing communication from the company to your customers, and you showing up daily on your social media platforms with valuable content – this is undoubtedly an achievable income to expect!

Ongoing education is key: find podcasts, books, blogs that inspire and educate you! Learn something new daily – again, your mentor will be able to suggest, and I see perhaps another blog post with my personal, daily favorites, but that’s a rabbit hole for another day! A solid company will also offer ongoing education and training, and you will want to tap into anything they provide! One of my favorite things about this industry is continuing education with a paycheck attached!

What To Avoid When Choosing A Company

DRAMA…look at the culture of the company. Ask who some top leaders and income earners are, and then follow them on social media. Do their posts align with your beliefs? We have all heard we are most like the five people we are around, and the company’s leaders will affect the company’s culture! Ask who the CEO is – follow them on social media! Follow your mentor on social media. Are they showing up daily?  Are they offering posts with education and value?  Are the existing ambassadors and consultants loving or combative on their social media platforms? This community will be your community, and you want it to compliment you and serve you! I love my community!

Primed For Success

I am often asked, “Heidi, is there is one network marketing company to watch in 2021?”

I cannot say there is one.  You’ll want to find a company with products you genuinely love and can authentically share about. Honestly, you don’t even need to love all of the products from a particular company – you can have one hero product and only post about it! People will organically find the other products. I have truly seen people build huge businesses based on one hero product!

In my experience, it is best to find a company that isn’t new, perhaps new to the industry, but not a new company! A company that has been successful in the e-commerce marketplace before pivoting into network marketing or social selling is primed for success!

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Network Marketing Is A Beautiful Industry

Let me know what else you would enjoy learning about the Network Marketing/Social Selling industry… this is a topic I could chat about for DAYS!! I have been a part of this beautiful industry for the past 15 years. I welcome your questions and am an open book with my insight and answers! I’ve found an incredible company I am proud to represent. If you are interested in learning more about the company that checks all of the boxes for me, learn more HERE.

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Heidi Bellerjeau Blog: What are the secrets to success in network marketing?
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