Why is self-care such an important habit? Self-care can be a little ambiguous, but it’s not about doing anything crazy or extravagant–it’s just the opposite. It means making time for yourself to relax and do things that make you feel good, whether it means taking a walk in nature, meditating, reading a book, or going out with your friends. Self-care doesn’t have to involve many actions. You don’t need to go on a ten-day meditation retreat or spend thousands of dollars on spa treatments every week! What matters is committing to taking some time each day for yourself.
Self-care shouldn’t be reserved for only when we’re feeling stressed out and overwhelmed either–it should happen even when life has been going well.
The Warning Label Of Self-Care
Self Care: The active process of making your body and mind a pleasant place to inhabit, by filling your own cup first. This ensures you have enough to give others.
When we are tired – everyone around us suffers! Yet, as I was sitting at my computer to write this, I immediately heard, “ but Heidi, I simply don’t have time for self-care,” friends, you must MAKE time! You are NOT Wonder Woman, and even if you were ~ I am pretty sure Wonder Woman practiced self-care; I mean, that hair didn’t happen via magic wand!
I have a few suggestions for self-care, but these suggestions do come with a WARNING!
You may experience extreme mellowness, creativity, improved mood, increased libido, bliss, and/or a fresh perspective. Proceed accordingly!
Creating A Daily Habit
To fill your cup, try these simple daily prescriptions:
- Nice long walk
- Prayer
- Night off – tell your fam, mommy is off duty tonight and will be unavailable
- Hot Bath
- Extra Sleep – this is so important, and I cannot stress this one enough! For your health, for your mood, for EVERYTHING! If you have difficulty sleeping – I have tips as a former sleep struggler; just ask!
- Splurge dessert
- Escapism book – if you love to read, losing yourself in YA fiction or a good ol’ lighthearted romance like The Hygge Holiday by Rosie Blake
Laughter Is Always Good Self-Care
Belly Laugh – The BEST medicine! Go where you find the best LOL: a movie, an IGfeed, a YouTube comedian: simply google the type of humor you enjoy! I love clean, women comedians – so a quick google search gave me some FUNNY STUFF, like Leanne Morgan.
I will stop now as I am having too much fun watching the before-mentioned comedians! Now Sebastian Maniscalco is always a great choice!
Or old sitcom reruns – I mean All in the Family, anyone?
Invest In Your Well-Being
LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH and see if you don’t feel better!
These things don’t take too much time, and you will feel better with a cup overflowing: keep this list handy when you need filling up! AND TAKE THE TIME!!
You deserve to take care of yourself. Too often, we think that taking a break from our work is a sign of weakness or laziness. But the truth is, self-care can be an important part of being successful in life and business. Even if you have no time for relaxation at all during your day, there are still small things you can do each day to help prevent burnout and maintain productivity over the long term. Self-care is not an expense – it is an investment! An investment in your well-being is priceless!
Maximizing Your Brain Function
So many are plugging through their day fighting brain fog, mom brain, forgetfulness, or lack of focus and presence. In this blog article, I share a supplement that I have added to my routine to help activate my brain to perform at optimal performance.
Want to know more? I’m sharing ALL THE DETAILS: HERE